Monday, July 29, 2013

after so long.. (sorry) here comes... HOOOOONGDAE!

hellooo people! sorry for the wait.

I was lazy busy with practices.. but ok, enough for the craps and here comes your first attraction that I would like to recommend to you guys! ^^


the best attraction ever for all visitors who likes club, Club, and more CLUB.
okay not really. haha there's one stretch of shopping street which is also called
the parking street where it is a street with all your trendy clothes and place for you to
look at pretty girls and boys get some fortune telling and perhaps, you may even
get to meet your destined one after that (uhhhhhh, I'm just crapping sorry).

So, before going to Hongdae
[ not mentioning dressing yourself up is important, furthermore it is a fashionistyle street]

it's mir's style ^^

okay this stretch is also another place for shopping [more for accessories]
and this is just before how you can go to the playground where
they have free market [usually handmade goods]
Free Market* Schedule: Every Saturday (March-November), 13:00-18:00
* Venue: Hongik Children's Park
* Directions:
  • Exit 9, Hongik University Station (Subway Line 2).
  • Go 150m straight, and cross the street.
  • Turn left, and go 500m straight towards the Hongik University entrance.
  • Turn right to arrive at Hongik Children's Park.

    * Programs: Handicrafts exhibitions and sales, indie music/mimes/performances, art workshops, street portraits & caricatures
    * Homepage: (Korean)
    * Inquiries: +82-2-325-8553

    and this is the *parking* street that I have mentioned ^^
    for this.. the location will be.. uh
    in between H & G on the map taken from visit korea where you can see below. ^^

    some indie artist that have given some *LIFE* to the surroundings at the playground!!
    In Korean, the playground is actually called NO-RI-TOR
    [yes the place where they filmed the Gentlema's Dignity where you find CN Blue's Jonghyun performing right in front with Juniel]

    the playground
    usually during weekend and perhaps Friday,
    you can see some indie bands here playing to earn some pocket money
    (it's also a kind of job and a place for them to shine)
    so please hop down and support them! *^^*
    okay, here's an image of Hongdae ( taken from visit korea)
    there's a tourist information centre where you can see a small *i* in purple just above Mario!
    please note that exit 5 has changed to exit 9!!!!
    you may wish to get a clearer map here
     btw, if you want to buy some affordable branded stuffs (other than the usual cosmetics)
    there is Zara, a new H&M! ^^
    but actually for branded stuffs I will recommend you guys to go to Myeongdong
    instead where there's more variety~~ 
    oh and i just realised I missed out the CLUBS
    whhhich I guess you guys would not like to go! (I'm not a club fan myself.. so yeah)
    SO! if you really very seriously want to go club and get drunk and go crazy  enjoy yourself..
    the last Friday of each month is called the **CLUB DAY**
    a wristband-powered event which allows entry to more than a dozen clubs for the price of one. 
    but.. ㅠ_____ㅠ
    Of course, if it's cheap and so WOW, you can expect long lines at some popular clubs.
    here's the club list (which I'm not sure if it has been changed)
    Venue: M2, Via, Jokerred, Tool, NB, Q-VO, DD, Saab, Hooper, Ska, O.R, Myeongwolgwan, Evans, FF, WATERCOCK, Freebird, Soundholic, DGBD, Hole, Liveclub Ssam, Spot
    (Total of 21 clubs in the area)
    some club infos can be found at this link *^^*
    NB club is one of the most popular club at this district where it has NB1 and NB2.
    uh, heard from some people that NB2 is better compared to NB1 *somehow...*
    But please take note that the club culture is different in every country.
    So let's say your country is kind of those chill clubbing atmosphere,
    don't get shocked in Korea as people do really go crazy wild.
    and girls. please be careful because [the same thing]
    guys in your country may just leave when you ask them to SCRAM OFF go away,
    but in korea.... language barrier and different culture..
    so have a safe clubbing experience and PLEASE DON'T go by yourself. and
    of course, usually with GUYS that cannot protect you ^^
    Some Korean phrases that I would like to share to you guys!
    since it's my first lesson so let's start with something easy yeah!
    Hi/ Hello - An-nyeong-ha-seh-yo!
    Thank you - Kam-sa-ham(not the ham but ha-ahm)-mi-da
    How are you? - Jal- ji - neh - go - e - sso - yo? ( it just differs with the tone - going up)
    I am doing good - Jal- ji - neh - go - e - sso - yo. (going down)
    any place that you would like me to post on, please leave a message!

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