Friday, January 3, 2014

Ho Lee Chow~ CHOWCHOWCHOW~! chinese restaurant

Hey people!
I am back for blog ^^

드디어! vacation time!

So what's ho lee chow?
It is actually an american chinese restuarant~!
Which I recommend Singaporeans to visit when you guys
miss the chinese food back in Singapore (it's hard to find in korea)

the interior~


wanton soup~~

monster eating hot and sour soup (this may be filling because there's flour in the soup)

sweet sour pork and yang chou fried rice <3 omg miss this so much!

szechuan fry seafood? there's a lot of variety for the seafood.. squid prawn etc..

our christmas celebration~
by the way they actually serve free chinese tea, service was okay!
For Singaporeans who want to taste hometown food,
I recommend it here! ^^
They actually have 8 main branch including one express branch~
you can visit the website for more information regarding the location
and the food they provide!
I'm going back Singapore soon for vacation! ^^ chowchow~

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