Tuesday, September 10, 2013


So.. what's a land? @land?

So, what is this?!
This is actually a popular shopping store available currently at Myeongdong and garosugil for Koreans~
What kind of clothes style can you find?

A Land's
for more designs, please visit http://www.a-land.co.kr/shop/main/index.php
This is an example of what you can find in A land.
The thing I like about A land is their quality.
Some may be pricey from 30-100 and above,
but if you can find, there are also great grabs available at 10-20! (especially at the vintage area)

So come on down to A land in either Myeongdong or garosugil's branch!

 For Myeongdong's main branch directions, please visit

For Sinsa station, garosugil branch, please visit

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